international musician unlimited
About Me
My father played alto violin in the national opera of Ghent, my grandfaher bassoon at the Berliner philharmonic, my great grandfather was a clarinet player at the gewandhaus Leipzig, and my great-great grandfather was a hornplayer at the státní opera Praha. My family has 280 years musical tradition, fathers to children....

greek music,
tango music,
evergreen music,
jazz music,
french/german poppulair music,
salsa and latin jazz music,
and finaly belgian and dutch populair music
I realy enjoy playing
at the Royal Ghent conservatory

i graduated orchestration, piano, percusion, annalysis, and musical history when i was a student
only acoustic pianos are played by myself
i prefere the yamaha U1 for small occasions
and the yamaha C5 for larger occasions
I am an universal acoustic pianist having 7 full evening repertoires as a soloist :